On Saturday, I co-hosted a show with Verastic which some of you probably listened to. Topic was 'Do women really need men?'...to cut a very long story short, I and my co-host got into it. Now peoples, I realize when I'm wrong and when I step out of line and although hard to do, I will admit to it. I got a chance to listen to the show again, and if I had to chance to do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing. The only thing I apologize for is partially messing up the first quarter of poor Vera's show (although Nigerians too like drama, sha). I will say this for the millionth time, I do not and will not tolerate anyone telling me how I should feel about any situation in my life. That is what pushed my buttons. So, for the idiot that commented and called me uncouth and blamed it on 'American Radical Feminism', in my past life I would have called your mother an uncouth being, but I'm a changed woman now. Don't get out of hand and act like you know me, homie. Yes, I do not believe that women need men, so sue me.
So, there you have it. To Vera, again I apologize for that little bit of drama that popped off but I can't say that I will turn a blind eye to the next fool who tries to tell me how to feel about any situation in my life.
On to the main gist of the day...
I celebrated a birthday on August 3rd, 2010. Unlike most of the rest of the world, I really look forward to birthdays because I enjoy getting older. On the flip side, while I enjoy going for other people's birthday parties, I'm not the biggest fan of celebrating my own birthday. Left to me, I'd stay home and sleep.
For instance, when I turned 25...my friends literally talked me into hosting a simple birthday dinner. Such a far cry from the rest of the world who seemingly celebrated their big 25ths with 3 day events popping champagne, buying out the bars and hosting guests in the VIP sections of swanky clubs.
Sooo aniwoos on my actual birthday, my dear friend and homeskillet Ms. RoyalReigns and my ex-roomie took me out for a quiet dinner at a local lounge close to my hood. I enjoyed dinner with the two, as I received my lovely gifts and sipped too many glasses of wine.
We had discussed potential plans of going out the following weekend, but lately I've been in total chill mode/less in the mood to hit the scene so I fashied plans and in my mind, that was that...
Until yesterday night, after I dragged my tired feet in from a wedding reception accompanied by my other dear friend and homeskillet Tori (who was instrumental in the planning of the surprise party). I was just ready to get home, take my shoes off, wash off my makeup and chill and as I inserted the key into the look and entered my dark apartment...I saw cameras flashing, followed by a big shout of 'SUPRISEEEEE'.
Initially, I was scared to death and I ran back out of my apartment. I thought I was being mugged (I think the shouts of 'surprise' hadn't registered yet). Then I realized what was happening, ran back in, and saw all the dear people who had worked to put together this very wonderful surprise. Like, they TOTALLY got me, I sooo did not see it coming/have a clue and I was so overcome with emotion like OMG, they did this for lil ol' me? that yours truly, who hardly ever cries for anything started shedding tears.
My dear friend, and the wonderful Zizi of the Zizi Experience (The Zizi Experience)...key planner of the surprise party, went to great lengths to whip up a nice spread which included fried rice, jerk chicken, sausage rolls, scotch eggs, salad and a beautiful cake with mango icing. There was also lots of wine and sangria, and all in all I had such a great time. In retrospect, all I can do is thank God for things like this that make me feel so loved. I thank God for everyone who came through to surprise me including those that drove all the way down from New Jersey to do this. I'm thankful for everyone, and sooo grateful to everyone who made it happen and participated. Thank you guys so much, this truly meant the world to me. I was so so touched. :-) :-)
And while I'm thanking people, I gotta thank another homeskillet and dear friend Taynement for the birthday post and shoutouts. And thanks to RocNaija for the birthday wish in ze comment box! :-)
The end.
PS:- Got sucked into the Twitter craze. Ms. Royal Reigns made me do it, and no I won't abandon Blogger but I definitely tweet more often than I blog. Check me out here .
PPS:- For the 3 people who care, the shopping blog's been updated.