All in all, I had a very wonderful time and I am back to my hood feeling refreshed and re-energized.
You see, I needed a trip like this. For the longest time I have been feeling very blahhh and mehhh as I mentioned in my last random post that had Geebee feeling like he was floating in space. :-)
Infact, on thursday (day before my trip), I was feeling sooo mehhh that I honestly toyed with the idea of cancelling my trip. Twas a fleeting thought but STILL. Who toys with the idea of cancelling a trip to Las Vegas?
I am glad I went. I got a chance to re-connect with old friends, I had soooo much fun, infact this had to be one of my most fun trips and trust me I engage in a lot of trips that involve fun and I got to listen to some much needed pep talks. Thanks to the pep talks, on my long long flight back home (with 1 million stops) I wrote an entry in my journal and identified some of those areas in my life leading to the mehness/blahness that I been feeling and my plan is to tackle 'em head on.
I will keep you guys posted!
On to the main the main. A couple of people tagged me in this honesty scrap meme. (What is the scrap for anyways?). Now I don ready for am.
I won't bother with the rules and I tag anyone who feels moved by the spirit to do one of these. Here goes...

1. I can't hold a grudge to save my life. I find it very easy to forgive people...(Must explain the reason why I'm still so cool with all my shitty exes). If you piss me off, I state my beef right there and then and I keep it moving. It sure makes life much easier o jare.
2. I honestly think that I'm a very simple person. My personality is far from complex, I don't internalize (see #1), I say whatever it is as the spirit moves me, I don't have any ridiculous skeletons in my closet. I'm just simple, uncomplicated and drama free. Note:- I conducted a survey among my friends to verify this and the general consensus was that I am correct! Hehehehehe
3. When I was younger I wanted to be the main chick in someone's video. Now, I really want to act in a Nollywood movie. I think that I have what it takes, sans the crying bit. I mean y'all, is it just me or do those actresses know how to cry on demand?
4. Speaking of crying, I find it very hard to cry. Loved ones have passed away and I never shed one tear. Exes don did me dirty and I never shed a tear. I mean, I really can't remember the last time I cried. Do I have a problem?
5. Everyone keeps calling me a popular jingo/party girl. Okay maybe I am, but believe it or not I can be very shy and socially awkward when it comes to interacting with men that I am attracted to. As opposed to being the usual outgoing person that I can be, I tend to withdraw from the dude in question and then I get really self conscious and in my mind, I start acting all weird. Help!!! :-(
6. I enjoy Solitude/me-time! Yeah yeah, no one believes this thanks to the Popular jingo/party girl reputation but I really do. Growing up, when I went home for summer holidays I always looked forward to weekdays when my parents would go to work, and my sibs would go out and leave just me at home. If you leave me, I can spend an entire week at home doing nothing but watching tv, listening to music, journalling, thinking...anything that involves me, me and me.
7. I'm a journaholic/writeaholic. I've been keeping journals since I was 10. So far I have about 11-12 books which i go back to read randomly and I either cheese or cringe at the things that i wrote/my state of mind at that point. I'm still extra paranoid about people stumbling across my journals and reading them, those are my private thoughts o jare.
8. I've been accused of being a 'surface' individual. Surface being that I never really talk about what I'm feeling/what's going on with me. One of my friends said that I never talk about myself, another said that she usually has to drag out gist from me. I don't think it's intentional...I'm just so used to listening to people talk about themselves that I forget to share mine. I am working on this sha, like I have to make a conscious effort to say 'Hey my hot and sexy co-worker tried to holla at me' or 'I'm so hurt by X's actions', where I normally would write this in my journal/tuck it away in my head.
9. I get very easily irritated. I claim that I don't have a temper problem and I don't think that I do, it's just that sometimes my irritation might lead to me going off on someone. I do get over my bouts pretty quickly sha. Like I'm irritated now and check back in 5 mins, I'll probably be good.
Someone called me volatile sha...
10. I look at people and instantly decide that I don't like them or that they look annoying. Really bad habit but I can't help it. I will say that I started out like this with one of my oldest friends and I love her to death today. There is hope....LOL.
11. I don't curse outwardly. I think I'd sound awkward cursing but best believe that a lot of cursing goes on in my head. It's terrible. Oh and don't try me on the road...everyone on the road is a 'dumb bitch' or a 'stupid ass motherfucker' or something of that nature. My road rage elevates my cursing in ze head.
12. Back to the PJ/Party girl thing. Everyone instantly thinks that I'm supposed to be friendly, and for the longest time I really did think I was friendly till some people pointed out that I'm not as friendly as I like to think I am. I insist that it depends on when you meet me/what mood I'm in, I really can't say. I'm not unfriendly jare, I just need to warm up to people first.
13. Last but not least, I can display different facets of my personality to different people. My coworkers swear that I'm really quiet. (Yeah right!), I used to live with roommates who thought I was extra reserved/really sweet and one day someone was talking bout how I went off on someone else and they were so surprised. I am sweet o! No mind my I guess if you spend more time with me/get to know me well you will see the real and true Mgbeks.
The end.